Tuesday 4 July 2017

Buoyancy and buoyant force

Buoyancy and buoyant force

When a body is immersed wholly or partially in a liquid, it is lifted up by a force equal to the weight of liquid displaced by the body. This statement is known as Archimede's principle.

The tendency of a liquid to uplift an immersed body, because of the upward thrust of the liquid, is known as buoyancy. The force tending to lift up the body is called the force of buoyancy or buoyant force and it is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced. The point through which the buoyant force is supposed to act, is known as centre of buoyancy. It may be noted that
      If the force of buoyancy is more than the weight of the liquid displaced, then the body will float.
      If the force of buoyancy is less than the weight of the liquid displaced, then the body will sink down.

Sunday 2 July 2017

Different Types of Energies or Head of a Liquid in Motion

Different Types of Energies or Head of a Liquid in Motion

Different Types of Energies or Head of a Liquid in Motion. The following are the three types of energies or head of flowing liquids:
  • 1. Potential energy or potential head. It is due to the position above some suitable datum line. It is denoted by z.
  • 2. Kinetic energy or kinetic (or velocity) head. It is due to the velocity of flowing liquid. Its value is given by v2/ 2g, where v is the velocity of flow and g is the acceleration due to gravity.
  • 3. Pressure energy or pressure head. It is due to the pressure of liquid. Its value is given by p/w, where p is the pressure in N / m2 and w is the weight density of the liquid in N / m3.

Note: The total energy or total head of a liquid particle in motion is given as follows :
Total energy, E = Potential energy + Kinetic energy + Pressure energy
  • Total head, H = Potential head + Kinetic head + Pressure head

Tuesday 23 August 2016

What is Mechanical Engineering ?

What is Mechanical Engineering ?

» The branch of building managing the outline, development, and utilization of machines.

In fact, mechanical building is the use of the standards and critical thinking procedures of building from configuration to assembling to the commercial center for any article. Mechanical specialists break down their work utilizing the standards of movement, vitality, and power — guaranteeing that outlines work securely, effectively, and dependably, all at an aggressive expense.

Mechanical specialists have any kind of effect. That is on the grounds that mechanical building professions focus on making advances to address human issues. For all intents and purposes each item or administration in cutting edge life has most likely been touched somehow by a mechanical designer to help mankind.

This incorporates tackling today's issues and making future arrangements in human services, vitality, transportation, world yearning, space investigation, environmental change, and then some.

Being imbued in numerous difficulties and advancements crosswise over numerous fields implies a mechanical designing training is flexible. To take care of this wide demand, mechanical specialists may plan a segment, a machine, a framework, or a procedure. This extents from the full scale to the smaller scale, from the biggest frameworks like autos and satellites to the littlest parts like sensors and switches. Anything that should be fabricated — without a doubt, anything with moving parts — needs the mastery of a mechanical specialist.

What do mechanical specialists do?

Mechanical designing consolidates imagination, information and explanatory instruments to finish the troublesome undertaking of molding a thought into reality.

This change happens at the individual scale, influencing human lives on a level we can connect and touch like mechanical prostheses. It happens on the neighborhood scale, influencing individuals in group level spaces, as with lithe interconnected microgrids. What's more, it happens on greater scales, as with cutting edge power frameworks, through building that works across the country or over the globe.

Mechanical specialists have a colossal scope of chance and their training mirrors this broadness of subjects. Understudies focus on one zone while fortifying explanatory and critical thinking aptitudes pertinent to any designing circumstance.

Disciplines inside mechanical designing incorporate however are not restricted to:





Self-ruling Systems



PC Aided Design (CAD)

Control Systems

Digital security




Human wellbeing

Assembling and added substance fabricating



Generation arranging

Mechanical technology

Basic investigation

Innovation itself has additionally formed how mechanical specialists work and the suite of instruments has become very capable in late decades. PC supported designing (CAE) is an umbrella term that spreads everything from run of the mill CAD systems to PC helped assembling to PC supported building, including limited component investigation (FEA) and computational liquid elements (CFD). These apparatuses and others have further widened the skylines of mechanical designing.

Mechanical autonomy machine

What professions are there in mechanical building?

Society relies on upon mechanical building. The requirement for this skill is incredible in such a large number of fields, and all things considered, there is no genuine point of confinement for the crisply printed mechanical architect. Employments are dependably popular, especially in the car, aviation, gadgets, biotechnology, and vitality ventures.

Here are a modest bunch of mechanical building fields.

In statics, research concentrates on how powers are transmitted to and all through a structure. Once a framework is in movement, mechanical architects take a gander at progression, or what speeds, increasing speeds and coming about strengths become an integral factor. Kinematics then analyzes how a system acts as it travels through its scope of movement.

Materials science dives into deciding the best materials for various applications. A part of that is materials quality — testing bolster loads, firmness, weakness and different properties — which is crucial for some development, vehicles, and restorative materials.

How vitality gets changed over into valuable force is the heart of thermodynamics, and additionally figuring out what vitality is lost all the while. One particular sort of vitality, warmth exchange, is urgent in numerous applications and requires assembling and examining temperature information and circulations.

Liquid mechanics, which likewise has an assortment of utilizations, takes a gander at numerous properties including weight drops from liquid stream and streamlined drag powers.

Assembling is a vital stride in mechanical building. Inside the field, specialists examine the best procedures to make producing more effective. Research center techniques concentrate on enhancing how to gauge both warm and mechanical designing items and procedures. Similarly, machine outline creates hardware scale forms while electrical building concentrates on hardware. This hardware produces vibrations, another field of mechanical building, in which analysts concentrate how to anticipate and control vibrations.

Building financial aspects makes mechanical plans important and usable in this present reality by evaluating assembling and life cycle expenses of materials, outlines, and other designed items.

Laborer in a machine shop

What abilities do mechanical specialists need?

The quintessence of designing is critical thinking. With this at its center, mechanical designing additionally requires connected imagination — a hands on comprehension of the work included — alongside solid interpersonal aptitudes like systems administration, authority, and peace promotion. Making an item is just part of the condition; knowing how to work with individuals, thoughts, information, and financial aspects completely makes a mechanical architect.

What errands do mechanical architects do?

Professions in mechanical building require an assortment of assignments.

Reasonable outline


Presentations and report composing

Multidisciplinary collaboration

Simultaneous building

Benchmarking the opposition

Venture administration




Information Interpretation

Formative outline


Investigation (FEA and CFD)

Working with suppliers



Client administration

A mechanical designer working in a lab

What amount do mechanical specialists acquire?

Like vocations in numerous other designing fields, mechanical architects are generously compensated. Contrasted with different fields, mechanical architects procure well above normal all through every phase of their vocations. As indicated by salary.com, the middle beginning pay for a Mechanical Engineer I in the United States is just shy of $63,000, with the main ten percent gaining near $75,000.

The fate of mechanical designing

Leaps forward in materials and diagnostic apparatuses have opened new boondocks for mechanical architects. Nanotechnology, biotechnology, composites, computational liquid flow (CFD), and acoustical building have all extended the mechanical designing tool compartment.

Nanotechnology takes into consideration the building of materials on the littlest of scales. With the capacity to outline and fabricate down to the natural level, the potential outcomes for items becomes enormously. Composites are another territory where the control of materials considers new assembling open doors. By consolidating materials with various attributes in imaginative ways, the best of every material can be utilized and new arrangements found. CFD gives mechanical architects the chance to study complex liquid streams investigated with calculations. This takes into account the demonstrating of circumstances that would already have been inconceivable. Acoustical designing analyzes vibration and sound, giving the chance to decrease clamor in gadgets and expansion proficiency in everything from biotechnology to engineering.

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